Thursday 5 September 2013

Les Revenants

I'm back...

Sorry I have neglected this for the last few months. Unfortunately, I've been a bit ill, well I was before I started this caper but I am now off all the drugs that threatened to make my hair fall out or feel constantly ill.

On a happier note, I will be back to trying to make my fortune in the next few days.

Thanks for your love, support and patience.

Thursday 16 May 2013

The Apprentice and Four Rooms

What an interesting and busy couple of weeks. First I managed to double my money again- not via conventional means but through the 'art' of Texas Hold 'Em poker, over a couple of nights with friends. I would have made more but unfortunately I ran up against someone I think of as a habitual 'bluffer'. Yet on this occasion my King in hand and another on the 'flop' lost to his pocket Aces.

Oh, the woe!

Otherwise my spare time has been taken up watching two shows. One is the UK version of The Apprentice but I'm not sure that it's as good as previous seasons. It's either that I notice the grinding format, whereas previously I didn't, or the irony of Lord Sugar admodishing the candidates for using corny cliches.....then using his own! I hope that Jason Leech goes further in the competition- he seems a nice sensible guy.

The other show meanwhile seems much fresher. It's called Four Rooms previously it had been on the UK's fourth channel in the evenings once a week but it's now moved to a daily slot during the day (luckily there is Channel 4 On Demand- an online repeat service). The format is simple, four dealers with an expertise in watches, books, art etc. sit alone in a room and wait for a member of the public to enter and offer to sell them an unusual 'object', which might be a family heirloom or something they bought at a boot fair (yard sale). The experts make offers and the potential 'sellers' decide whether to accept the offer. If declined, they move on to the next expert's room. It's entertaining on many levels, for example, the public's over inflation of the 'worth' of their objects, the rudeness of the experts and the sheer variety of interesting objects. I can't wait for the next installment.

I'm now off to plot my next trade. To be continued......

Friday 26 April 2013

Royal Mail Postage Cost

All going well at JC Towers- as noted in my last post, I doubled my money in my last trade to £30. That's not too bad from a one Pound original stake. It didn't go that smoothly though, I checked the online price of postage before listing on ebay, then when I took it to the Post Office the price had gone from around £15 to over £20- now I think it's really important to support the Royal Mail (and its workers) but it was too much of a hit, so I used a private courier company that instead charged £10. Better profit- but I do hope that it arrives intact, especially as the British TV company Channel 4 are transmitting a show on the 29th April about what really happens to mail at a courier company (Dispatches- Secrets of Your Missing Mail)- I hope it's not the one that I've used!!! 

More news- Last week I received my cheque from Zapper for the sum of £13! 

Don't forget any ideas/ deals message me.

Monday 22 April 2013

Oops I did it again

Well, not oops at all, this time I've managed to make a 'trade' that turned my £13 into £31. Again not much hard work involved just a well spotted bargain in a local charity shop and then sold on ebay. My next target is to double my £31 to at least £62. I'm not sure how yet but stay tuned to discover how.

Apologies for the lack of detail- although later this week I may add some more, I will also add a new 'Jack Cash's Million' logo to  replace my 'creepy' photograph.

Don't forget my plan is to take £1 and to trade it (by any legal means) to one million British Pounds by doubling my money on each 'deal'. Keep up to date with me on Facebook and Twitter as well.

Oh! Any suggestions are most welcome! 

Have a great, and productive, day.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Shazam! It's magic.....thanks Traidcraft and Zapper

After my first 'trade' I broke even with some minor office sundries via ebay. 

Then over the last weekend, whilst passing a local community hall, I saw some Traidcraft banners offering fairly traded goods, so I went in. Inside I had a cup of tea and then saw other 'bits and bobs' being sold for another related charitable cause.

A chap on one table explained that he had cleared out some unwanted xbox games, books etc. and would be giving the proceeds to charity. I rather liked the look of a couple of games so I bought the box that they were in......wait for it......for  a £1!

If that sounds a bit mercenary, sorry, I did offer more money- anyway after returning home I went on the rather interesting site Zapper. 

Now I think I remember the founder of Zapper being on a UK television show called Dragon's Den- asking for investment- they got it, hence its website. The idea is that you enter the bar code of either books, CDs or DVDs and they offer to buy it from you. If it's a fair price, you accept their offer and you box it up and drop it off at a local 7/11- free postage and then you just wait for the money to arrive!

I entered a couple of bar-codes- an initial fail as they didn't want some of my old books, then I entered one of the xbox games.Wow, they offered £8 for it and £5 for an utterly uninteresting book!!! I therefore have magically turned......£1 into £13. It is possible!!!

Planning my next 'trade' right now, will £13 turn into £26? Fingers crossed. X

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Wednesday 3 April 2013

Well, how eventful the last few days have been. On the personal front I have dispatched my first 'trade' to its lucky buyer.

Then, there have been a number of interesting stories in the UK's media. First the welfare minister Iain Duncan Smith's claim that he is able to live (more like survive) on £53 per week. In response, 260000 members of the British public have signed an e- petition to make him prove that he can. Personally I think that he could manage (he is a former officer in the Scots Guards after all) but I'm not sure that he'll bother, especially in this weather, it will cost him that much in heating alone and if his energy supplier is SSE (fined £10.5 million today) it may cost considerably more!

The second news story that caught my eye is the Mick Philpott case. This man set fire to his own house, the consequential blaze killed six of his own children, a terrible, terrible story. Yet the Daily Mail's front page cites his fecklessness as evidence of a welfare dependent society- I'm not sure. He appeared on the Jeremy Kyle Show and on another with Ann Widdecombe, and post trial it was revealed that he had a previous history of serious violence. Surely he was a patriarchal, sexist, violent, media hungry mad man (that happened to be sponging off welfare)? 

Finally on a slightly lighter note the new manager of football club Sunderland United, Paolo di Canio, protests that he does not support the 'ideology of fascism'- despite giving the 'Roman salute' on more than one occasion and having 'Dux', a reference to Benito Mussolini, tattooed on his right bicep. More importantly, is it me or does he look very similar to Channel 4's Grand Designs presenter Kevin McCloud?

Back to the important stuff.......more on my next 'trade' tomorrow. X

Sunday 31 March 2013

A Happy and belated Easter!!!

A false start I'm afraid. My 'item' did sell but only for a £1. I would think that it was too boring for even those sat at home wearing their dalmatian inspired onesies!

I may hold off on selling my Rock God based black mamba until later in the month. For now it's back to the drawing board. 

Good night- and Best of British.